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Friday 24 June 2011

Belvoir wins top lettings agency award again! Say Belvoir Lettings Camden

10 June 2011 - Belvoir wins top lettings agency franchise award for second consecutive year!

Belvoir was delighted to win the Silver Award at the 2011 Lettings Agency of the Year Awards, in association with The Sunday Times and The Times. This is the second consecutive year that Belvoir has won a prestigious award for best Lettings Agency Franchise, in recognition of the company’s extremely high standards.

The event, hosted by Estate Agency Events at the Lancaster Hotel in Central London, was attended by the UK’s top lettings agents. Awards were judged by industry experts and chaired by The Property Ombudsman with the backing of ARLA.

Dorian Gonsalves, Managing Director, accepted the award on behalf of Belvoir from inspirational Olympic Gold Medalist Dame Kelly Holmes. “The Sunday Times and The Times are extremely high profile newspapers and we are proud and delighted to receive this group award from them,” said Dorian.

“Winning a prestigious award for two consecutive years in the Best Lettings Agency Franchise category is testament to the pride, passion and dedication shown by all our franchise owners in promoting the Belvoir brand, as well as their determination to provide consistent and outstanding customer service. The judges acknowledged the high level of support and training that the team at Central Office constantly provides, and the many innovations that Belvoir has implemented in the past year, but importantly, this award is a fantastic tribute to the entire network. Belvoir currently has over 140 offices nationwide and our franchise owners are committed to ensuring that Belvoir is the UK’s number one agency of choice for landlords and tenants.”

In making the award to Belvoir the judging panel noted: “Belvoir’s franchise offering continues to impress this year and the judges are pleased to recognise the maintaining of the high standards shown previously. Over 15 years of trading this lettings-only agency has established an exceptional brand demonstrating professionalism and high standards at every level. With offices throughout the UK, Belvoir is committed to building on their reputation centrally whilst helping the franchise owners with the development of their individual offices and has increased investment accordingly. Communication across all levels is encouraged through networking groups, newsletters and regularly organised contact between the office owners and also Central Office, and it has recently developed its own iPhone App to help strengthen communication with tenants and landlords. Recent delivery of well attended Buy to Let seminars has helped establish the team as experts and not only have profits increased as a result but a strong and steady growth of franchise applicants reinforces the high regard in which this franchise business is held by agents themselves.”

Call Belvoir Lettings Camden on 02071 997733
Click here to view the website.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Rental rises in May 2011 says Belvoir Lettings Camden

Rental prises rise again across the UK says MD of Belvoir Lettings Camden.

Asking price rents reached a new record high in May, according to the latest Buy-to-Let information released. In May, the average rent in England and Wales rose by 0.5% to £696 per month, overtaking the previous high of £692 in April. The growth means that the average asking price rent is now £30 per month higher than May 2010.

Rents have risen the fastest in London, where they increased 7.8% in the past year. The next biggest rises were in the North-East and the East Midlands where rents increased by 6.4% and 6.2% respectively.


Dominic Swinfield, managing director of Belvoir Camden, said: “The increasing cost of living, mixed in with the ongoing issues first-time purchases are experiencing in obtaining a mortgage, is increasing the numbers of potential tenants searching for available properties. Tenants now faces problems home buyers only experienced with spiralling rents, gazumping is fast becoming commonplace and properties regularly being let for more than the asking price. For tenants, that are unable to purchase, renting was the next best thing, but it now looks as if this may now  become an issue. Rents are increasing far quicker than wages!"

For anymore information or a valuation on a property in North West London please do contact Belvoir Camden.

Tel: 02071 997733

Friday 3 June 2011

Belvoir Lettings Camden answers some regular landlord questions


Belvoir Lettings Camden answers some regular landlord questions.

1) My tenants haven’t paid rent – can I evict them?

Yes, but you can’t start proceedings until they are at least 2 months in arrears if rent is paid monthly. Only a Court can grant possession and you will need to serve the appropriate notice detailing the precise wording of the grounds upon which you wish to rely. Once you have been granted a possession order, you will then need to apply for an eviction date. We strongly recommend you seek legal advice as it is prudent to seek more than one of the grounds for possession detailed in 1988 Housing Act. 
 2) I think my tenant has moved out and left the property – can I change the locks?
No – under no circumstances should you change the locks as this is effectively eviction. You need to apply to the Court for a possession order, however there is another method, that can be risky. There are no finite rules for Abandonment Procedure; evidence in the form of tenant's belongings or absence of the same, the tenant's conversations with neighbours, or other regular callers to the property must all contribute to give the landlord reasonable cause to believe that the tenant has ceased to reside there. Belief must be both genuine and reasonable before the landlord takes back the property. Unless the evidence of abandonment is definite, any landlord recovering possession takes a risk. Proceedings for unlawful eviction could be brought by the displaced tenant unless the landlord can be certain that the tenant has ceased to reside in the premises. Where there is reasonable doubt the safest solution is to terminate the tenancy by some other method and commence possession proceedings. We are happy to assist with Abandonment Procedure should you require further information. 
For more information contact Belvoir Lettings Camden on 02071 997733

Tuesday 31 May 2011

A whole generation gives up buying homes and decides to RENT! Reports Belvoir Lettings Camden

A whole generation gives up buying homes and decides to RENT!

Britain is home to a new generation of renters who are giving up on buying their own home, says a report out today. First time buyers have given up trying to source a mortgage because they believe their costly application will fail!
If attitude come reality a new breed to super renters will appear for the first time in Britain. Are we following Spain and France, where people never purchase their own property?

According to the research into the attitudes of young people towards home ownership, 77% of all those who do not own a home still wish to purchase their own home.

20 to 45 year-olds feel Britain is becoming more like mainland Europe where renting is seen as the norm, and predict that Britain will become a nation of renters.

A report by the National Centre for Social Research, the report analysed the results of a survey of 8,000 20 to 45-year-olds and identified the details of the ‘Generation Rent’: two-thirds (64%) of non-home owners who believe they have no prospect whatsoever of buying a home because of the restrictions in the market place.

The perception is running high that banks are not lending, the size of mortgage deposits necessary are huge, and a fear of being turned down is too costly to pursue.

Longer term, only 5% of this group are making sacrifices to save for a deposit; 95% say they have no spare cash, no interest in saving for a deposit, or were trying to save but failing to do so.

Almost seven in ten (67%) believe that everyone is rejected by lenders so there is little point in applying. The funny thing that baffles letting agents in London is that renters are having to spend vast amounts each month to let their homes, surely buying is still cheaper?

For more information on this article please contact Dominic Swinfield of Belvoir Lettings Camden on 02071 997733.

Tell us about a Landlord and we will give you £150.00 when they sign up!

Thursday 26 May 2011

Belvoir Lettings Camden reports on rising rents in the US.

Good news stirring in the market, specifically for Central Florida, USA says real estate agents.

Annual rents are going up!

"Asking rents for apartments in Orlando are predicted to increase 2.9 percent this year to a midpoint of $863 a month", according to an annual forecast by Marcus & Millichap, the Orlando Sentinel reported earlier this month.

This is wonderful news for the US economy, the general rule of thumb is Europe follows the US trends. Maybe this is the start of things to come!

Belvoir Lettings Camden
Website - Click Here
Tel: 02071 997733

The lettings specialist in London, for all of your rental and property management needs call Belvoir Lettings.